L'AFZ a publié les articles suivants en collaboration avec l'INRA et d'autres organisations.
Articles scientifiques et techniques
- Makkar, H.P.S., Tran, G., Heuzé, V., Giger-Reverdin, S., Lessire, M., Lebas, F., Ankers, P., 2016. Seaweeds for livestock diets: a review. Animal Feed Science and Technology 212: 1-17 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2015.09.018
- Tran, G., Heuzé, V., Makkar, H.P.S., 2015. Insects in fish diets. Animal Frontiers 5 (2): 37-40 http://dx.doi.org/10.2527/af.2015-0018
- Makkar, H.P.S., Tran, G., Heuzé, V., Ankers, P., 2015. State-of-the-art on use of insects as animal feed. Animal Feed Science and Technology 197: 1–33 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2014.07.008
- Tran, G., Heuzé, V., Chapoutot, P., Sauvant, D., 2015. Updating and renovating the INRA-AFZ feed tables (abstract). 66th EAAP Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 31 August - 4 September 2015, p. 261
- Chapoutot, P., Martin, O., Nozière, P., Sauvant, D., 2015. Systool Web, a new on-line application for the French INRA (abstract). 66th EAAP Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 31 August - 4 September 2015, p. 265
- Chapoutot, P., Tran, G., Gillet, P., Bastien, D., Rouillé, B., 2015. Optim'Al, an economic optimization tool for ruminant ration calculation for better use of byproducts (abstract). 66th EAAP Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 31 August - 4 September 2015, p. 269
- Maroto-Molina F., Gómez-Cabrera A., Guerrero-Ginel J. E., Sauvant D., Tran G., Heuzé, V., Garrido-Varo, A., Pérez-Marín, D. C., 2013. Data pre-processing to improve the mining of large feed databases. Animal 7 (7): 1128-36 http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1751731113000293
- Maroto-Molina F., Gómez-Cabrera, A., Guerrero-Ginel J. E., Garrido-Varo A., Sauvant, D., Tran, G., Heuzé, V., Pérez-Marín, D. C., 2013. Handling of missing data to improve the mining of large feed databases. Journal of Animal Science 90: 491-500 http://dx.doi.org/10.2527/jas.2012-5491
- Sauvant D., Chapoutot P., Heuzé V., Tran G., 2012. Variations in composition and nutritional value for ruminants of by-products from bio-based energy. EAAP 2012 Annual Meeting, Bratislava, Slovakia, 27-31st August 2012
- Archimède H., Bastianelli D., Boval M., Tran G., Sauvant D., 2011. Ressources tropicales : disponibilité et valeur alimentaire. INRA Productions Animales, 24 (1): 23-40
- Tran G., Heuzé V., Bastianelli D., Archimède H., Sauvant D., 2010. Tables of nutritive value for farm animals in tropical and Mediterranean regions: an important asset for improving the use of local feed resources. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 1: 468-469
- Noblet J., Tran G., 2004. Estimation of energy values of feeds for pigs. Feed Mix, 12: 16-19
- Noblet J., Sève B., Tran G., 2004. Valoración energética y proteica de alimentos para porcino: propuestas francesas. In Avances en nutrición y alimentación animal, P. G. Rebollar, C. de Blas Beorlegui, G. G. Mateos eds, pages 63-75
- Giger-Reverdin S., Morand-Fehr P., Tran G., 2003. Literature survey of the influence of dietary fat composition on methane production in dairy cattle. Livestock Production Science 82: 73-79.
- Noblet J., Bontems V., Tran G., 2003. Valeurs énergétiques des aliments pour le porc. INRA Productions Animales 16: 197-210
- Cottrill B. R., Tran G., 2002. An evaluation of the feasibility of a positive list of authorised feed materials at Community level. March 2002. A report prepared for The Health & Consumer Protection Directorate-General of the European Commission. Download the Feasibility study
- Morand-Fehr P., Tran G., 2001. La fraction lipidique des aliments et les corps gras utilisés en alimentation animale. INRA Productions Animales 14(5): 285-302
- Sève B., Tran G.; Jondreville C., Skiba F., Van Cauwenberghe S., Bodin J.-C, Langer S., 2000. Measuring ileal basal endogenous losses and digestive utilisation of amino acids through ileo-rectal anastomosis in pigs: ring test between three laboratories. 8th Symposium on Digestive Physiology in Pigs, 20-22 June 2000, Uppsala, Sweden
- Grojean F., Maupetit P., Leuillet M., Tran G., 1998. Les résidus de pesticides dans les matières premières destinées aux aliments pour animaux. Journées AFTAA, 20-21 Octobre 1998
- Tran G., 1996. Proposal for a European Feed Naming System. EU Concerted Action Animal Feed and Nutrition. http://home.wxs.nl/~enfic/
- Tran G., 1996. Specifications for a European Feed Database Management Software. EU Concerted Action Animal Feed and Nutrition. http://home.wxs.nl/~enfic/
- Bureau J., Tran G., 1995. Le lin : utilisation en alimentation animale. Bordeaux, 5 May 1995, Journée CETIOM sur le lin.
- Tran G., Bonetti, B., Lapierre, O., 1993. io - El Banco de Datos de alimentación animal de la Asociación Francesa de Zootecnia. Córdoba, 30 September and 1rst October 1993. Nuevas Fuentes de Alimentos para la Producción animal IV. Junta de Andalucía, Colección congresos y Jornadas n°30-1993: 331-340.
- Lapierre O., Tran G., Bonetti B., 1991. The French Feed Database. Poster and abstract. Berlin, 9-12 September 1991. 42nd Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production
- Lapierre O., Tran G., Bonetti B., 1991. La Banque de Données de l'Alimentation Animale. Blois, 9-14 Octobre 1991. Colloque annuel du CRITT VALICENTRE
- Tran G., 1992. The French Feed Database. Washington D.C., 1-2 December 1992, Building a National Feed Database. Committee on Animal Nutrition, Board on Agriculture, NRC, NAS
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