Workshop, 1 September 2023, ISARA, Lyon, France
Organized by INRAE, AFZ and CSIRO. Sponsored by the OECD Co-operative Research Programme Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems
How can agricultural systems for food and feed shape a sustainable future? The world is facing unprecedented challenges: climate change, population growth, and dietary shifts are putting pressure on our natural resources and food security. How can we feed the planet with enough protein without compromising the environment and human health? The workshop showcased the latest scientific and technological innovations that can help transform our agricultural systems into more sustainable and resilient ones. It covered topics such as plant-based protein sources, animal feed efficiency, alternative protein production methods, and the ethical and societal implications of these new technologies.
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Playlist of the videos of the workshop
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- 08:45 - 08:50 Opening remarks by H.E. the Ambassador of Australia to France - Ms Gillian Bird PSM
- 08:50 - 09:00 Presentation of the Co-operative Research Programme of the OECD - Andy Sheppard (OECD, CRP)
- 09:00 - 09:30 Introduction: What is sustainability of food and feed? - Anne Mottet (IFAD, Italy)
- 09:30 - 09:35 Q&A with participants - Anne Mottet (IFAD, Italy)
- 09:35 - 09:55 Perspective on future protein production - Aarti Tobin (CSIRO, Australia)
- 09:55 - 10:15 Microbial biotech for feed and food for the future - Prof. Willy Verstraete (University of Ghent, Belgium)
- 10:15 - 10:25 Sponsor talk: Alternative way of milk protein production - Hélène Briand (Bon Vivant, France)
- 10:25 - 10:40 Q&A with participants - Aarti Tobin, Willy Verstraete & Hélène Briand (CSIRO, Australia; University of Ghent, Belgium; Bon Vivant, France)
- 11:00 - 11:20 Tissue engineering - Lieven Thorrez (KU Leuven, Belgium)
- 11:20 - 11:40 Food safety aspects of cell-based food: global perspectives - Masami Takeuchi (FAO, Japan)
- 11:40 - 12:00 Sustainability of insects for feed and food - Thomas Lefebvre (Ynsect, France)
- 12:00 - 12:15 Q&A with participants - Lieven Thorrez, Masami Takeuchi & Thomas Lefebvre (KU Leuven, Belgium; FAO, Japan; Ynsect, France)
- 12:15 - 12:35 Applying agroecological principles to animal farming systems fosters transition towards sustainable food systems - Bertrand Dumont (INRAE, France)
- 12:35 - 12:55 Pathways to climate neutral red meat production - Brad Ridoutt (CSIRO, Australia)
- 12:55 - 13:05 Q&A with participants - Bertrand Dumont & Brad Ridoutt (INRAE, France; CSIRO, Australia)
- 14:10 - 15:00 Poster Session
- 15:00 - 15:20 The Dublin Declaration - about roles, services and impacts of livestock - Peer Ederer (GOAL Sciences, Switzerland)
- 15:20 - 15:40 Can we do without livestock? - Wilhelm Windisch (TUM, Germany)
- 15:40 - 15:50 Q&A with participants - Peer Ederer & Wilhelm Windisch (Goal Sciences, Switzerland; TUM, Germany)
- 16:05 - 16:25 Place of animal products in the human diet - Nicole Darmon (INRAE, France)
- 16:25 - 16:45 Consumer acceptance of alternative proteins - Marleen Onwezen (WUR, The Netherlands)
- 16:45 - 16:55 Q&A with participants - Nicole Darmon & Marleen Onwezen ((INRAE, France; WUR, The Netherlands)
- 16:55 - 17:10 Sponsor talk: Sommet de l'élevage announcement - Benoît Delaloy (France)
- 17:20 - 17:35 Wrap up session - Irène Tolleret (European Food Forum, Belgium)
- 17:35 - 17:50 Wrap up session - Jean-Baptiste Moreau, former member of the French parliament (RPP Group)
- 17:50 - 18:20 Poster Session
- Ms Gillian BIRD PSM, Australia’s Ambassador to France.
- Dr. Andy SHEPPARD, Chief Research Scientist at CSIRO, Australia, working on biosecurity and invasive species management since 1991.
- Anne MOTTET, Lead Technical Specialist on livestock for IFAD, the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development.
- Dr. Aarti TOBIN, Animal Protein lead in CSIRO’s Future Protein Mission, and Focus Area Leader for Consumer Segments within the Food Program.
- Prof. em. Willy VERSTRAETE, Ghent University, Centre of Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET), Belgium.
- Hélène BRIAND, co-founder and CTO of Bon Vivant, a French start-up that aims to create cow-free milk protein through precision fermentation.
- Lieven THORREZ, professor at the faculty of medicine, department of development and regeneration, at KU Leuven, Belgium.
- Dr. Thomas LEFEBVRE, VP and R&D Director at Ynsect, world leader in the insect industry.
- Masami TAKEUCHI, Food Safety Officer at FAO, with more than 25 years of experience in the area of food safety.
- Dr Brad RIDOUTT, Principal Research Scientist at CSIRO, Australia, with expertise in life cycle assessment in the agriculture and food sectors.
- Bertrand DUMONT, researcher at INRAE, France, with a 25-year experience on how to limit the environmental footprint of herbivore farming systems.
- Benoît DELALOY, international manager at the Sommet de l’Elevage livestock trade show, France.
- Peer EDERER, founder and director of GOAL Sciences, the Global Observatory of Accurate Livestock Sciences.
- Prof. Dr. habil. Wilhelm WINDISCH, Professor for Animal Nutrition at Technical University Munich (TUM), Germany.
- Nicole DARMON, senior researcher in nutrition and public health at INRAE, France.
- Marleen ONWEZEN, expertise leader consumer science at Wageningen University and Research (The Netherlands).
- Irène TOLLERET, French Member of the European Parliament (Renaissance) since 2019, and mayor of Fontanès (Hérault, France) since 2014.
- Jean-Baptiste MOREAU, public affairs consultant within the RPP group, previously Member of the French parliament and spokesperson for President Macron's LREM party.